Saturday, January 25, 2014

setup node.js-based couchapp on FreeBSD

as root:

pkg install couchdb
couchdb -b

pkg install node
pkg install npm

# this brings problems
#npm install couchapp -g

as normal user:

mkdir myapp
cd myapp/

# workaround: install locally
npm install couchapp
./node_modules/.bin/couchapp boiler
# it complains that it cannot be created, but app.js and attachments are there
./node_modules/.bin/couchapp push app.js http://localhost:5984/myapp
$ tree myapp -L 4
|-- app.js
|-- attachments
|   |-- index.html
|   |-- jquery-1.4.4.min.js
|   |-- layout.css
|   |-- sammy
|   |   |-- plugins
|   |   |   |-- sammy.cache.js
|   |   |   |-- sammy.data_location_proxy.js
|   |   |   |-- sammy.ejs.js
|   |   |   |-- sammy.form.js
|   |   |   |-- sammy.haml.js
|   |   |   |-- sammy.json.js
|   |   |   |-- sammy.meld.js
|   |   |   |-- sammy.mustache.js
|   |   |   |-- sammy.nested_params.js
|   |   |   |-- sammy.path_location_proxy.js
|   |   |   |-- sammy.pure.js
|   |   |   |--
|   |   |   |-- sammy.template.js
|   |   |   `-- sammy.title.js
|   |   `-- sammy.js
|   `-- site.js

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